Hybrid Role/Yes I can Art Direct & Style Too
No, I can’t play piano too.
I’ve been known to bust out a little badass on set.
As a Photo Art Director, I see things, details, design, siloette, light, stragety, layout, big picture…
As a Sr Photo Stylist, I see things, details, fabrication, texture, shadow, style, flow…
There are times when I do both jobs at once.
Honestly, I LOVE when that happens.
I have been able to jump in and fix shots. I have been able to style on one set and direct other stylists on other sets. Keeping the flow and balance of the project. I have covered for sick stylists, and let other Art Directors put their feet up & not have to worry at all when I’m on board. I wear both hats proudly & rock them as often as possible.
Except when I’m playing piano.
Ana Monfort / Photo Art Director / Sr Photo Stylist / Creative Consultant / Sr Prop Stylist