My Hands Have Touched ~ Ana Monfort
This Season my hands have touched...Flowering banana, red and pink ginger, two fake sharks and two real ones. Durban, Anthurium and hand crafted Australian blue tiles. Vintage Kimonos, sixteen new lp’s, preserved fern and Nick Cave’s chest. White reptile booties, Wool and the Gang yarns, and mint green Scala fabric. Words by Tove Jansson, twines made of hemp, bamboo, soy and cotton. Homemade granola, a new garden bed and a ton of seeds, Feijoa, Kiwano and Dragon Fruit. Carnival rides and fireworks, an old man's hand long enough to be charmed and betwixt in the deep creases on his brow. I “styled” aquarium glofish & fancy goldfish (as if). Nautical knives, Ceramics, Organic bedding, two white doves and their poop. Sigh. :( A vintage swizzle stick collection, starfish, a frisky purple crab and a dead urchin. Stubborn t-shirts, skin, sand, hearts, silk, two reptile skulls, and linen. Illustration pens, parchment, and an array of cosmetics. A fat ponies thick maine, a wiggly piglet, corn on the cob, an Andalusian Donkey, and red paint.. My eyes have touched The Museum of Failures video, and I’ve noted it as a must place to visit. :) Lastly, I gave a talk on Creative Constraint and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more...thank you everybody for the encouragement and support. Gratitude for all of my Studio Family. You know who you are & I worship you all. ~Ana Monfort