Manifesto: Share Ideas
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” -George Bernard Shaw
Let’s talk.
I’m writing my Summer to do list. Mostly, it just reads 1. Play, 2. Explore, 3. Create, and 4. Lounge. I find myself daydreaming about sunny mornings, bonfire nights, salt air, and sandy bare feet. My Summer to do list will more likely be, 1. Work, 2. Collaborate, 3. Hustle, and 4. Get Paid. The reality of my industry is things are just starting to heat up...but mostly in big studios with and without windows. Summer means work. Friends beckon, and I decline politely, Summer means work. Family inquires, and I decline politely, Summer means work. I hear sentences like, “Let’s go see the evening skies of Chico.” Or, “Let’s go visit the waves in Santa Cruz.” “Hey Ana, let’s go to the shore of Southern Oregon to a pendleton blanket party! How about the heights of Mt. Shasta? Let’s go look at the morning light off of I-5. There's an Architecture tour in the city, should I sign you up? How about a Verlocal for you and me? Let’s go to the desert and catalog the colors! One word Ana, SFMOMA. How about finding fields of grass to roll around in?” Ok, so some of these are me talking to me. It’s summer (almost) indulge me. I am busy, but I keep balanced. My Summer to do lists blend together and I do a bit of all of it happily. This season, I plan on some wobbly attempts at paddleboarding with the Kais, some ultra slow mornings, and some crashing waves reminding me endlessly to be humble. I plan on work, I plan on bringing as much creativity into fruition as is humanly/womanly possible, I plan on tan skin, I plan on dog walks and kid hikes, I plan on sharing ideas, as many as you’ll allow me. I plan on smiling, and breathing deeply, on being. I plan on telling you it’s YOUR time to believe unequivocally in your abilities! I plan on effort and I plan on results.
Hi, I’m Ana.
I am an Art & Creative Director. I am a Senior Photo Stylist. I am a Prop Stylist. At the end of the day I am Ana. Just Ana. Thank you everybody, for sharing your summer, smiles, ideas and apples with me. I am blessed. I am. I am.