A couple of the brands that I work with, have had their focus on their Onfig work of late. There’s an ebb and a flow to the industry about that. I get it, new creatives come and with all of the divisions the line tackles it takes a minute to wrap the mind. The refresh and renew, and get the head around the in’s and out’s. It can take months, if not a year. It’s a brand breathing. At times we go back to square one. A single item on white. The ebb. The reset. For me, who likes editorial, and wild, and freedom, and massive creativity mixed with being let off the leash…it’s been both a grind and a reprieve. For me, who has more ideas, than time to execute them…it can be ouchy at times. It gives me time to study and research and think of new ways to do what I do. Sketch ideas. I pride myself on always coming up with new, each shoot, each season, each year. I love to create. I track and help with the zeitgeist of the now and later.
I’m really into it. At times the push and pull from the top can feel like a tug of war. Or just no traction. But, you know…it’s coming. Your at the gate ready to run. Every now and again, you get someone that comes in and asks questions…where has the brand been? Where is it going? What works? What doesn’t? Listening, giving and receiving. I’m forever optimistic about that exchange. A brand needs a voice, one creative strong leadership voice. Then it needs all the hands, and hearts, and minds to run with it under the tutelage of the top. I dig that. The stronger the better. When it’s design by committee it often fails. Too many cooks, yes chef? I’m anticipating the flow now. The exhale. The work. Expanse and breath. The holds and confirmations roll in to create again. To highgrade, and I’m so down. LETS GO! Ana